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This is a checklist of steps on what you should be looking at once you are inside a machine. This is not a definitive list, but it should give you a good idea of what to look for.

  1. Check for sudo privileges shell sudo -l
  2. Check for environment variables shell env
  3. Check for files with setuid bit set shell find / -perm -4000 -type f 2>/dev/null
  4. Check for logs shell cat /var/log/auth.log
  5. Check for cron jobs shell cat /etc/crontab
  6. List running processes shell ps aux
  7. Info about me shell id || (whoami && groups) 2>/dev/null
  8. Check for writable files shell find / -writable -type f 2>/dev/null

  9. Check for emails shell cat /var/mail/$USER

  10. Check for network connections shell netstat -tulnp

  11. Scan with linpeas shell ./